Sources: Yin training manual, Detox training with Juan Pablo Barahona, Wood Becomes Water book by Gail Reichstein, fractalenlightenment.com, 5elementfood.blogspot.com, acatcm.com for meridian jpgs
Organs: Liver (yin) & Gallbladder (yang)
Emotions: Anger, irritability, frustration, resentment
Climate: Windy
Flavor: Sour
Color: Green
Connecting to: eyes, tendons, joints, ligaments, nails
Seasonal Cycle: Spring
Phase in the Menstrual Cycle: Follicular, build lining for implantation
Lunar Cycle: First quarter
Cycle of Day: Sunrise, Morning
Human Life Cycle: Birth through childhood; post Menopause (2nd Spring)
Stage in the Manifestation Process: Planning & decision making, new growth
Yoga Asana: Side body opening, twists, hip openers, inversions, movement you enjoy, practice with a clear progression & purpose
Healing breath: Shhhh
Balanced: Peaceful, confidant, insightful, strategic, decisive, motivated, resourceful, forgiving, patient, assertive
Wood in Deficiency: Blurred or weak vision, deficient immune response, passive behavior, scanty menstruation, dry skin, low self esteem, cold hands and feet, inability to make decisions, depression, lack of creative interest, inability to take action or come up with ideas
Wood in Excess: moodiness/ irritability/ depression, high blood pressure, anger, menstrual cramps, rigidity, inflammation, diarrhea, nausea, pounding headache, lack of energy, stuffy head or chest, difficulties bending and stretching
Hours: Gallbladder (11 pm- 1 am) Sleep & regenerate; Liver (1 am- 3 am) Deep resting & dreaming. If you wake up during this time your liver is overwhelmed by the detox process (alcohol, chemicals, drugs, poor diet all need detox by the liver)
Sour Foods: Bok choy, chard, broccoli rabe, spinach, asparagus, celery, citrus (especially oranges, lemons, grapefruit), sour plum, pineapple, sourdough bread, pickles, olives
Balanced lifestyle: healthy stress response, healthy processing of emotions, work/ life balance, reining in "type A" tendencies
Elemental Spirit: Hun "ethereal soul" associated with long range commitments, karmic connections, and continues to exist after death